what does meth do to someone who has adhd

Methamphetamine (Meth) is a very addictive drug that can harm the body and mind. When people with ADHD use it, their existing difficulties get worse, causing more serious problems. It’s important to know and avoid using drugs like meth to cope with ADHD.

Today telemedicine provides professional treatment for ADHD, with effective ADHD care programs.

Contact us for more information about our services.

But the question is: What does meth do to someone who has ADHD? So, let’s talk in detail about ADHD and methamphetamine and how meth affects someone with ADHD.

What is ADHD?

What Does Meth Do to Someone Who Has ADHD

ADHD, characterized by difficulties in maintaining attention, managing impulses, and often displaying excessive activity, typically manifests in childhood and can persist into adulthood, significantly affecting daily functioning.

ADHD Challenges in Adults

Did you know that ADHD isn’t limited to childhood? It can significantly impact adults too.

Some adults may go undiagnosed because symptoms may diminish over time. Challenges adults with ADHD may face can look like:

  • Organizational and time management difficulties
  • Restlessness or impatience
  • Attention and focus issues
  • Job instability
  • Lowered self-esteem
  • Social isolation
  • Participation in risk-taking behaviors
  • Potential substance abuse or addiction

What is Methamphetamine?

What Does Meth Do to Someone Who Has ADHD

Methamphetamine (meth) is a powerful and addictive stimulant that affects the brain and nervous system. It looks like white crystals or powder and can be used in different ways, like smoking or swallowing.

Even though it may initially make people feel more alert and happier, using meth for a long time is bad for your health. It can lead to addiction, heart problems, and mental health issues. So, while it might give a temporary boost, it’s not worth the serious risks it brings.

Side Effects of Methamphetamine Use

Some side effects of methamphetamine use can look like:

  • Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
  • Decreased Appetite and Weight Loss
  • Irritability and Aggression
  • Dental Issues
  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Issues
  • Legal and Financial Problems

What Does Meth Do to Someone Who Has ADHD?

When people with ADHD take methamphetamine, the stimulating effects can affect their brains in ways that their existing ADHD-related vulnerabilities may influence.

Though methamphetamine may briefly help with some ADHD symptoms by affecting dopamine, it usually causes more harm in the long run.

For people with ADHD, methamphetamine can briefly help them focus better because it stimulates neurotransmitters like dopamine.

However, using methamphetamine to treat ADHD on your own is dangerous and not helpful. If you use meth for a long time, it can cause serious problems, like:

Worsening of ADHD Symptoms

Meth can make ADHD symptoms worse. It can make you feel even more restless, and impulsive, and make it harder to pay attention. Imagine trying to complete tasks when it feels like your brain is always on fast-forward.

Increased Risk of Addiction

People with ADHD might turn to substances like meth to deal with their challenges, and meth’s addictive nature can quickly make them dependent. Breaking free from this cycle becomes tough.

Worsening Mental Health

Both ADHD and methamphetamine use are associated with an increased risk of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

The combination of these factors can contribute to a downward spiral of worsening mental health and overall well-being.

Does Meth Make You Hyper?

Methamphetamine is a potent stimulant that strongly activates the central nervous system, leading to increased activity and heightened arousal.
Methamphetamine can make people feel very energetic and active.

However, it’s not just a positive effect. It can also cause problems like anxiety, irritability, and aggressive behavior.
Using meth is risky and can lead to serious health issues, addiction, and mental problems. If someone is struggling with meth use, it’s important to seek help from professionals.

Why Do People with ADHD Have a Higher Risk of Getting Addicted to Meth?

People with ADHD often have less of a substance called dopamine in their brains, which affects motivation.
Especially in young adults with ADHD, there’s a desire for a calm feeling, making them constantly want to use meth.

some people experience unexpected effects from methamphetamine, and some of them mention that “meth-making me sleepy”
For those with ADHD, the constant high energy can be tiring. Some might see meth as a way to get relief from this and feel more focused and calmer.

Treatment Options for ADHD and Meth Addiction

For people dealing with both meth addiction and ADHD, there are helpful treatments:

All-in-One Treatment

Get a treatment plan that deals with both ADHD and meth addiction at the same time.

Medications and Support

Use medications to handle ADHD symptoms and recover from meth addiction. These medications are often used with talking therapies to give you a complete treatment. Some people also try L-theanine as a supplement for ADHD.

Talking Therapies

Join conversations with therapists, like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These talks help you learn how to deal with problems, control impulsive actions, and work on the deeper issues causing ADHD and addiction.

Personal Support Sessions

Have private sessions with a counselor or therapist. These sessions help you understand why addiction happens and give you support in dealing with ADHD symptoms. It’s like having someone to talk to who understands your struggles.

To Conclude

What does meth do to someone who has ADHD? Using meth to deal with ADHD is not a safe solution. ADHD, which causes difficulties in focus and impulse control, can affect both children and adults. Meth is a highly addictive drug that can initially make people feel more alert and happier but comes with serious health risks.

If someone is dealing with both ADHD and meth addiction, seeking professional help is essential.

If you need professional assistance in handling your ADHD and its impact on mental health, don’t hesitate to contact us at Today Telemedicine for more information.


Q: What are some indicators that suggest the dosage of ADHD medication might be insufficient?

Signs that the ADHD medication dose is too low may include persistent attention difficulties and a lack of improvement in hyperactivity or impulsivity. Adjustments to the dosage may be necessary for better symptom management.

Q: Is Meth the best strain for ADHD?

No, Methamphetamine is not a recommended or safe treatment for ADHD. It is a highly addictive and illegal stimulant with severe health risks.

Q: How to parent a child with ADHD and autism?

Create predictable routines, use positive reinforcement, and work closely with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance in parenting a child with ADHD and autism.

Q: How much L-theanine for ADHD?

There is no established standard dosage for l-theanine in ADHD, but typical recommendations range from 100 to 400 mg per day, and it’s advisable to start with a lower dose and adjust as needed.

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